REGISTRATION - All Hanoverians are registered as foals when presented at a show or inspected on farm.
STUDBOOK INSPECTION - Mares for breeding need to be presented for studbook inspection at the age of three or older.
Inspection for Studbook and Therefore Breeding
A mare that is active in breeding has to be active with the Hanoverian Verband.
Registration and Cancellation of Mares
Mares should be cancelled with the Verband immediately after sale or retirement from breeding. Otherwise, there is a risk that the mares will be included in the next membership invoice in the following year. Newly registered mares will automatically be included in the fees.
If a mare to be used in breeding is already inspected, but not registered, she must be reactivated. Registration of mares is possible in written form or online via MeinHannoveraner. The registration confirmation and invoice will be sent by mail.
You can print out or download the breeding certificate for your mare online via MeinHannoveraner.
NOTE: If a breeding member is not going to be breeding, or not using one of their mares for the upcoming breeding season the verband needs to be informed by November of the year or the member will be charged for the upcoming year.
What Mares are Eligible for Registration or Breeding?
Mares from most major European stud books can be presented for Studbook inspection/approval. If you have any questions or doubts about your mares eligibility contact us or Tanja Coors at the Hanoverian verband in Germany .
After a mare is confirmed in foal a completed and signed breeding certificate needs to be sent to the verband in Germany, via email, or mail.
Studbook divisions
For entry into the Main Studbook or the Studbook, there are certain conditions when it comes to pedigree, conformation and basic gaits. There are two different divisions of the studbook:
The main division consists of the:
Main Studbook (H). Four generations of approved pedigree must be provided for entry into the main studbook (Hannoveraner studbook). The dam of the mare must be registered in the main studbook or in the studbook. The mares must achieve a score of at least 6.0 in the overall evaluation of conformation and movement and may not be below 5.0 in any of the subcriteria.
Studbook (S) For registration in the studbook (Hannoveraner studbook), three approved generations must be documented in the pedigree. The dam of the mare must be registered in the main studbook, studbook or appendix. The mares must achieve a score of at least 5.0 in the overall evaluation and may not be below 4.0 in any of the subcriteria.
The Studbook Inspection Commission awards scores from 1 (very bad) to 10 (excellent). Only whole scores are given. The total score is based on the individual scores for the conformation.
The following criteria are evaluated:
Saddle position
Hind legs
These criteria are combined in a score "quality conformation". However, this does not have to be the arithmetical mean of the individual scores mentioned above, as the individual criteria can be weighted differently.
From the scores for
breed and sex type
quality of conformation
correctness of gaits
impulsion and elasticity (trot)
overall impression and development
The scores for breed and sex type result in the "total score", which is the average of these scores and rounded up or down to a whole score. The exhibitor receives the individual scores following the studbook inspection when he receives the horse passport.
Mare Performance Test
In the mare performance test, the basic gaits, the jumping ability during free jumping as well as the rideability are evaluated by the group of judges and an external rider. The evaluation of the individual criteria is done in half scores. The score scale from 0 (= not suitable) to 10 (= excellent) is available. In the final certificate, partial scores are given for basic gaits, rideability and jumping. In addition, the mares are described linear in the individual criteria at the mare test. The test certificate and the linear description are available in MeinHannoveraner afterwards. There is no ranking. A single repetition of the test is possible. The result of the second test counts.